Live Muscle Show


Aug 30, 2013

Sunday Random Hot Hunks - Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With

Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With

Your dreams will come true, if they want to be with you. Everyone alwasy have someone that they crazy for, guys next door, guys in your work place, something like that. I never noticed if the men I dated were bothered by whatever attention I got when we went out. The flipside, however, isn’t that fantastic. I don’t know if it’s because men tend to be more respectful, but I can tell you going out is a lot more fun when you’ve got the good-looking pass (i.e., my boyfriend). Many bartenders, waiters, and maître d’s are happy to have my boyfriend around, so we have a pretty easy time getting a great table at a high-end restaurant, a drink at a crowded bar, and other preferential treatment won purely through charm and good looks. There are hot men of any race. If I wasn't taken, I would definitely be more attracted to the relaxed, cool, kinda quirky guys.

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Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With

Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With

I prefer men with muscular bodies (As opposed to skinny guys). Well, first put that Cosmo article down right now and back slowly away from the magazine. Now go to the window and take a deep breath. You must clear your head of bullsh*t articles like "How to Trick Your Man into Cooking Tex-Mex". Here's what men want, they want you to understand that they don't give a sh*t about clothes, all right?

Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With

Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With Gorgeous Guys You Wanna be With

All they need are one pair of tennies and one pair of church shoes. That's it. Don't talk to them while the television is on, very simple. Television is off, they talk. Television is on, they don't talk.

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