We all know that Drop Dead Diva survived cancellation and the fifth season of the Lifetime series premieres this Sunday. But now that actor Ben Feldman (who played guardian angel Fred) has moved on to Mad Men, there’s a new celestial being to look out for Deb (Brooke Elliott), the sexy blonde who died and was sent back to live life in the body of a plus-sized lawyer. Justin Deeley joins the cast in the season premiere as Paul, and according to creator Josh Berman he’ll be more playful than seasoned, and (thankfully for us) he oftentimes won’t be wearing much clothing. Berman told me that they’d been looking for the new angel for awhile before they found their man. “Justin Deeley walked into the room and had me at hello,” Berman said. “Not only is he talented, sexy, and funny – he’s also a gifted physical comedian with absolutely no inhibitions — which is a good thing since his character is half naked most of the time.”

Paul is just a big kid: “He’s the 6-year-old that lives within all of us,” Deeley said, with a grin. ”And the reason he is that way is because this is second shot at life. And, granted, he is the guardian angel. He has his responsibilities.” Because the body that Paul inhabits is new to him, he’s like a kid in an eye-candy store. “He’s got this body that he never could have,” Deeley explained. “He never really worked out and he never did that kind of thing. He says, ‘Look at what I can do! Look how strong I am!”
Berman teased that we’ll want to watch episode 3 (airing July 7th) when Deeley “is completely naked but for a shampoo bottle that covers his private parts,” he said. But proving just how fun Deeley likes to have, Berman revealed, “in one take, [Justin] dropped the shampoo bottle all together, wearing nothing but a great, big smile. The cast and writers adore Justin, who plays the character of Paul, and I’m quite certain our fans will fall for him as well.” ....Maybe we can hope that that moment was captured for the DVD extras.
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