Live Muscle Show


Mar 26, 2015

Muscle Progress Check!! - Preparation and Be Ready for Competition

Muscle Progress Check!!

The Story of Importance of Tracking Muscle Progress

One night, I was doing my bodybuilding training at the gym, and about to start a set of Smith machine incline presses for my chest when a large, muscular bodybuilder ambled over to speak with me. It was obvious, even through his warm-ups, that this young man was extremely muscular and ready for bodybuilding competition. He was at least 5'10" and over 235 pounds. Upon speaking with him, I learned that he would be competing in the USA Championships the following weekend in Las Vegas and that he would be entering the heavyweight class.

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Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!!

Muscle Progress Check!!

Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!!

Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!!

After introducing himself, he asked me if I would take a few moments to look at his physique and give him my opinion. Of course, I obliged, as I really enjoy helping people get into their best shape. I didn't know if there would be much that I could do to help him, with just one week to go, and I knew that what he wanted was what many of us crave and need - constructive feedback.


Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!!

In moments, the young man had dropped his warm-up pants , taken off his shirt and was striking pose after dynamic pose, his musc1es rippling and striations bursting forth. After giving him a few pointers... read more at

Muscle Progress Check!!

Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!! Muscle Progress Check!!

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